The paint was in great shape and it still worked!
This Texaco truck was huge and had great decals and paint.
And these composition dolls that were well loved, Tinker Toys, marbles and paper dolls were all in one collection!
On a side note, these kinds of toys are not in the same category as Beanie Babies, Madame Alexander Dolls, and some Barbies and Disney toys. Generally, the Beanie Babies, etc. have been produced to sell as a "collectible" first and a toy second. The manufacturers make hundreds of thousands of them, package then beautifully, and sell them at a premium price. Many come with certificates of authenticity and have very official looking pedigrees. They are absolutely a treasure to the person who buys them and loves them for what they are...but they are not a treasure that usually increases in value* with age or because of their "official" status. Whereas toys from back in the day that were well preserved usually do increase in value due to rarity and/or condition. I hope this clarifies the subject somewhat, the question usually comes up every couple of years.
*As a general rule. However, there are always exceptions to every rule and some collectible dolls and Beanie Babies are very valuable. An experienced estate liquidator is more important than ever when things like this are part of the estate being sold.
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